PBCC RRT (Exeter & Torbay) in action

A large fire was spotted at around 2PM on the outskirts of Exeter on Sunday 20th July.  RRT members from Exeter approached the site, which happened to be a breaker’s yard in Woodbury, and offered support.  We registered our availability and remained on standby until an RRT member received a voicemail message at 6:03PM from D & C Police Control asking RRT to attend site and offer support as around 30 residents had been evacuated from their homes and were being looked after in the village hall and there was no indication at this stage as to when they would be able to return home.  RRT was asked to rendezvous at … ….. Continue to read…


Rapid Relief tEam

At the scene of the fire

3 thoughts on “PBCC RRT (Exeter & Torbay) in action”

  1. Granny says:

    That’s the RRT – always on the qui vive!
    Were the Didcot RRT able to assist at the power station fire the other day?

  2. vju frjat says:

    Well done

  3. Well done Stan the Man and all the rest!! Good on you for being on the ball and ready to roll.

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